Break Through Cancer
Stimulating radical collaboration to find cures for the deadliest cancers 
Campaign strategy and planning
Content strategy and creative design
Analytics and reporting

144k impressions

1,000 social media mentions

80 stories earned

153%+ in newsletter click rate
23%+ in digital fundraising
10.5+ increase in social impressions
22%+ in site visits


Break Through Cancer empowers outstanding researchers and physicians to both intercept and find cures for the deadliest cancers by stimulating radical collaboration. Our task was to activate a social media launch campaign for this new cancer research foundation whose mission is critical in supporting research and finding new solutions for the most intractable cancers.  

Our Approach

Liaising with the brand strategy team, activating the foundation’s brand launch around a virtual press conference, we announced the name, brand, and website for this new cancer research foundation to journalists and key stakeholders in the cancer research, treatment, and pharma sectors across LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube. To drive maximum awareness and engagement, we developed shareable social media and executive thought leadership content and leveraged organic and paid targeting to engage key stakeholders in the cancer research community with the foundation’s most critical messaging.  

Listen, Delaware
News for People, Not for Profit

Web Design

With a storytelling approach in mind, we developed a dynamic and rich site that is authentic to the Fresh Start brand and will continue to support the organization’s engagement and fundraising goals for years to come.

Empowering outstanding researchers and physicians




I had a huge dream to graduate college and it changed my life forever. Now, I want to help inspire high school students to bridge their dreams and make college happen.

Winnie Sun, Sun Group Wealth Partners

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